Como los medios no se van a ocupar de esta noticia, interrumpo mi ajetreo mudancero para dejarles la nota. Léanla, divúlgenla.
“Geodetic measurements carried out in 1905 and 2005 on the highest ice fields of the Mont Blanc range indicate small thickness changes and show that these very high-elevation glaciated areas have not been significantly affected by climate change over the last 100 years.” Later in the conclusions section, they write “In any case, this study reveals that the very high-elevation ice fields in the Mont Blanc area have not been affected by the climate warming. The 20th century climate warming affected the atmospheric temperature in the Alps by +1°C. However this change did not significantly affect the ice deformation rate in the high-altitude ice fields since the ice temperature remains far below the melting point and therefore keeping the glacier frozen to its bed.”
Todo el artículo, referencia al paper y muchas alusiones jocosas a Su Santidad Al Gore aquí.
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